From 9:00
At SOGGI Caledonia Field.
We are working with Blake Moran to have a special hi-start launching day for the old classics. You know, the classic balsa wonders from the ’70’s, 80’s & 90’s such as the Aquila's, Gentle Lady, Wanderer 99, Spirit 100, BoT, Oly’s, etc. Most of us have a few of ‘em gathering dust in our ever expanding stable of sailplanes.
It will not be a contest day, but more of a fun fly where we can all enjoy these wonderful sailplanes from years gone by. A number of clubs across Canada are signing up for this event. We plan on taking a lot of pictures and submitting an article to MAAC for their magazine. As in the past, the old barbie will be fired up for some treats and a selection of drinks!
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